Environmental technology
Environmental technology
The term environmental technology describes various technical and technological measures to protect the environment and to restore already damaged ecosystems. Environmental technology includes all procedures and steps along the product value chain. This includes in particular processes to reduce air contamination and techniques to use natural resources and energies efficiently and comprehensively, as it is the case with air, water or thermal energy.
The field of environmental technology includes not only primary but also secondary techniques and processes. Primary techniques include central and peripheral machinery and processes for production and raw material processing. Secondary techniques include all legal requirements and restrictions, methods for planning and construction of production facilities or machines as well as scientific research. Each legislator defines its own national or regional legal requirements for environmental technology.
KMA Umwelttechnik is the leading supplier of efficient exhaust air purification systems. KMA Umwelttechnik offers innovative exhaust air filtration systems for high-grade separation of impurities and pollutants from production exhaust air, based on its more than 30 years of experience with exhaust air purification in various industries.
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